Competitors tackle a numbered cross-country course, some of which is timed. The competitor with the least number of penalties and closest to the optimum time is the winner.
Penalties for all competitions
Jumping Penalties
First refusal, circle or run-out at an obstacle 20 Penalties
Second refusal, circle or run-out at the same obstacle 40 Penalties
Third refusal, circle or run-out at the same obstacle Elimination
Jumping the alternative "L" obstacle 15 Penalties
Other Penalties
Departing the holding pen too early or too late 1 point for every second under or over the allowed time
Fall of horse or rider anywhere on course Elimination
Error on course Elimination
Dangerous riding 15 Penalties
Time Faults
Time above or below the optimum time Zero point four (0.4) penalty per second
above or below the optimum time
Exceeding the time limit (double the optimum time) Elimination
Pairs Class
Dressing fences must be jumped side-by-side.
Any more distance will be penalised at the discretion of the fence judge.
The dress fence will be clearly marked on the course plan.
If both horses jump and are in the air at the same time 0 Penalties
If there is a small difference between each take off 2 Penalties
If they are not in the air at the same time 5 Penalties
How do I get elimitated?
You refuse / run out / circle the same obstacle three times
You miss a jump
Error on course not rectified
Jumping an obstacle in the wrong direction
Failure to comply with the rules
Disrespect for any duly appointed official
Dangerous riding
Unseemly behavior
Competing with improper saddlery/equipment
Bad language
Misuse of the whip or spur
Ill treatment of a horse
Exceeding the time limit in the timed section of the course
Lame, unfit or exhausted horse
Wearing a stopwatch
Refusals / Run outs / Circles
A horse is considered to have refused if it stops in front of the obstacle or element to be jumped and then steps back. After a refusal, if the competitor attempts the obstacle again, still without success, or if the horse is re-presented at the obstacle after stepping back and stops or steps back again, this is a second refusal and incurs further penalties. A third refusal incurs elimination.
At obstacles a stop, followed immediately by a standing jump is not penalised, unless the stop is sustained or in any way prolonged. Stepping back, even one foot, is considered a refusal.
The only exceptions to this are:
At a gate obstacle. It is recognized that the horse and rider need to take a step back in order to open the gate. Penalties will be awarded for prolonged hesitation or the inability to open the gate within the given time permitted.
When a holding pen is used on course, the aim is to enter the pen, wait 5 seconds then continue on course.
A horse is considered to have run out if having been presented at an obstacle it avoids that obstacle in such a way that it has to be represented.
A horse is considered to have circled if it crosses its original track, from whichever direction, while negotiating or attempting to negotiate the obstacle, or any part thereof. If a horse completes a circle while being re-presented at the obstacle after a refusal or a run-out, it is penalised only for the refusal or run-out but not for both.

Gaps Between Riders
There will only ever be 2 horses on course at any one time.
It is very unlikely that one rider will catch another. If it does happen it is okay to pass another horse but only do so in open country and do it safely and not near a jump.
If another horse has blocked your path and you feel unduly hindered please make your case to the judges and a decision will be made. The jump judge should clear the course, however if you feel in danger of being impeded, please call out ahead to 'CLEAR THE COURSE'!!