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Penderff Hunter
Trial Challenge

Hunter Trials are a real test of partnership and skill between horse and rider over a cross country course and are great for riders of all abilities. Competitors tackle a numbered cross-country course, some of which is timed. The competitor with the least number of penalties and closest to the optimum time is the winner.

The Hunter Trial, for riders of all levels

This grassroots competition features classes from an inviting 60cm through to more technical 80cm tracks, and includes  a pairs class where two horse-and-rider combinations compete around the course at the same time, following each other over the fences.


In the pairs class there is an extra ‘Dressing Fence’ obstacle. This is judged over a specific fence which the riders tackle side by side to jump in perfect synchronisation (or risk more penalties).


The Hunter Trial, ideal for getting into eventing

If you would like to start Eventing but worry your horse would lack the confidence to do so, how about starting off with Hunter Trials. It is often a much less stressful, lower-key environment that is an ideal introduction, and you can gain that all-important cross-country experience without also needing to worry about a dressage test or a course of show jumps.


A different environment for event riders

Already a seasoned expert in Eventing? Don’t worry, Hunter Trials give you the chance to challenge yourself in a new environment whilst offering the opportunity to have a little fun and aim for the top prize.


Obstacles you should expect to find are those that you would usually find on a cross-country course. For example, there is likely to be a water feature, timber jumps, ditches and steps combinations. There may even be a hand gate that riders must open and close whilst mounted.


A Good Hunting Pace

Most of our courses are the same length as a standard cross-country course, but the whole course isn’t usually timed. Instead, there is often a timed section somewhere within the course judged on an optimum time based on a good hunting pace. See the Section "A Good Hinting Pace"  to learn more about optimum times..


Prepare riders and horses

When competing at Penderff it is worth considering that the cross-country course is set over the rolling countryside with both open mature grassland and woodland. It is worth practising and going cross-country schooling on different terrains to allow your horse to become accustomed to the going and also to be fit enough to tackle any hill sections.


Join us at Penderff for the PENDERFF HUNTER TRIAL CHALLENGE 


Kick on, smile and have fun.


Claire and Cris



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